To increase ELNA membership by targeting particular audiences that may be receptive to Esperanto with information, advertising, and publicity.
This goal doesn't say anything. How will we know when we have accomplished it? Need something measurable... preferably with deadline. This could be a Vision.
Target audiences
- Focus on the science-fiction audience. Target science fiction magazines and conferences.
- UN/USA groups.
- Peace groups.
- Environmentalists.
- Earth Day.
- 2nd-language-learners
- Travellers.
- Bahai’s. Unitarian Universalists. Other progressive religions groups.
- Mensa. Gifted children? ("TAG" = Talented and Gifted)
- Puzzle groups.
- The "keep your mind young" audience.
- 1-page vocabs for each target audience?
Media and methods
- TV, radio, free ads, paid ads, articles.
- Radical techniques (like Belmont U's "things have changed" list, various "XXX of the Year" awards) -- press releases that are automatically newsworthy.
- Mass mailings.
- Press releases re anything interesting (ex: local newspapers, about each Board Member)
- Display tables (work with local groups to encourage them to set these up, with advice from PIK)
Possible volunteer tasks
- Press release template(s). Also info on what to put in a press release.
- List of email addresses for press outlets and preferred format for press releases.
http://www.gebbieinc.com press contacts
Most effective words in advertising are WIN, FREE, and SEX. Have to get attention before you can sell product.
Always advertise key advantages of Eo (because people do not know them): easier, fun, neutral, existing community of two million speakers. Also uses of Eo: travel, harmony, fun language, international contacts.
Thanks for starting this.
Although all of the above points are interesting, they are not as difficult as finding people to drive the effort forward. It seems to me that the most pressing issues are:
- A leader with some limited budgetary power
- Someone, or some mechanism for creating ad/press release copy
Is it completely obvious that this wiki is better than doing this as a "book" on the ELNA site? I understand there are times when you want a limited audience, but there are also times when you want wide participation.