Ever since I began participation in ESNE, I've noticed that it is dominated by Massachusetts residents. There are a lot of reasons for this: geographic (Massachusetts is in the middle), historic (ESNE was originally the Boston Esperanto Club, after all), and demographic (Massachusetts is the most populous of the New England states by a factor of two-to-one). To reach out to the other states in New England, I propose that ESNE develop an advisory board composed of members from each New England state, where the president represents his/her state of origin. The advisory board would council the president on planned activities. They would not direct oversight of policy, but they should take non-binding votes that will be reported in the Newsletter, demonstrating regional support, or lack there of, for planned policies. Members of this board should be Esperanto activists in their state who are members in good standing in ESNE. Each year, they should submit a plan for how ESNE could be most effective in their state.