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These are notes!! What is this song:
A E *D D *F *B *D *A *B D C C *C A *A G B *G G *D *E
The "*" denotes a red/italic group. The red and black could denote: length of note, sharp/flat?
Red marked "R"
- Fuji, Crab, Empire, Delicious (Apple)
- horton, babar, Dumbo, Hathi (Elephant)
- R - huey, besbriss, constable fraser, dectective vecchio (Due South)
- Jury, Heavy, Double, Civic (Duty)
- R - Attractive, Blond, Carnival, Just (Fair)
- R - Illness, Insect, Irritate, Microphone (Bug)
- R - Second Variety, Screamers, Paycheck, Imposter (Dick)
- R - Spruce Grove, Banff, Red Deer, Medicine Hat (Alberta)
- R - State, Patrol, Line, Collie (Border)
- Streebeck, Sergeant Friday, Reverend Whirly, Captain Gannon (Dragnet)
- Swiss, String, Cream, Cottage (Cheese)
- Cave, Sent, Stable, Tact (Con)
- R - breed, eyed, oneself, the rubicon (cross)
- Time (Air)
- R - Tuscon, Peoria, Mesa, Chandler (Arizona)
- Ulysses, NSF, Land, Cary (Grant)
- Union (Blue)
- R - HIV gene, Joke, Silence, Vomit (Gag)
- File, Nanny, Travel, Water (Gate)
- R - Webster, Rather, Radcliffe, Pipes (Daniel)
- R - Dead, Game, South, Zone (End)
black words left:
column1: Duct, Democratic
- (Note that Duct could go with "Con", leaving "Cave" still to be used.)
- column2: Channel, Pornographic
- column3: Mobile, Sad
- column4: Time(3), Union(4)
Idea1: Air, Blue
democratic, pornograph, sad, union (Blue)
- state color, slang for porno, sad = blue, union = blue collar?
Duct, Channel, Mobile, Time (Air)
- air mobile (, air time, air channel?, air duct
- air mobile (
Idea2: open, low?
?: democratic, channel, mobile, union (open)
- open union, open / mobile, open channel, democratic = open
duct, pornographic, sad, time (3)
- low on time?, low = sad,
Maybe at the end you make groups from these words?
- Due South
- Fair
- Bug
- Dick
- Alberta
- Border
- Cross
- Arizona
- Gag
- Daniel
- End
- Apple
- Elephant
- Duty
- Dragnet
- Cheese
- Con
- ? (Air)
- Grant
- ? (Blue)
- Gate
- Alberta
- Arizona
- Apple
- ? (Air)
- Bug
- Border
- ? (Blue)
- Cross
- Cheese
- Con
- Due South
- Dick
- Duty
- Dragnet
- Daniel
- Elephant
- End
- Fair
- Gag
- Grant
- Gate
Thought: For A-G, take the 1st-7th letter of something?
Or put them in order according to the first word in the set?
- R - Webster, Rather, Radcliffe, Pipes (Daniel)
- Swiss, String, Cream, Cottage (Cheese)
- R - Spruce Grove, Banff, Red Deer, Medicine Hat (Alberta)
- Cave, Sent, Stable, Tact (Con)
- R - Second Variety, Screamers, Paycheck, Imposter (Dick)
- Streebeck, Sergeant Friday, Reverend Whirly, Captain Gannon (Dragnet)
- R - HIV gene, Joke, Silence, Vomit (Gag)
- File, Nanny, Travel, Water (Gate)
- R - State, Patrol, Line, Collie (Border)
- Fuji, Crab, Empire, Delicious (Apple)
- R - Tuscon, Peoria, Mesa, Chandler (Arizona)
- Democratic...
- R - huey, besbriss, constable fraser, dectective vecchio (Due South)
- Ulysses, NSF, Land, Cary (Grant)
- Illness, Insect, Irritate, Microphone (Bug)
- Jury, Heavy, Double, Civic (Duty)
- R - Attractive, Blond, Carnival, Just (Fair)
- horton, babar, Dumbo, Hathi (Elephant)
- R - Dead, Game, South, Zone (End)
- Duct...
- R - breed, eyed, oneself, the rubicon (cross)