Ian Boyd, Jennifer Boyd, Joan McDonald, Martha Edwards, Tricia Everett,
Katie Fitzgerald, Lisa Lesure, Kerri Parker, Alisa Brewer, Tom Flittie,
Jenny Fabrizi
Chair - Ian
The PGG received a thank you card from Susan McQuaid who used Scholastic
Book Fair vouchers received after the book fair to buy videos for teachers
in support of the Social Studies Curriculum.
Class List Information - A class directory to be provided to every MM family as soon as possible after the start of the new school year. There was positive feedback on this year's early distribution. A draft of the class list permission form for the kindergarten registration pack was distributed and will be finalized by Ian and Katie - will add a check box to save refilling all the information every year if it has stayed the same.
Re Kindergarten Registration - Ian to write a draft of PGG plans and projects that will be distributed at registration time so new families can be more informed of what we do.
School Committee Meeting - PGG to provide refreshments and child care. Katie will organize setting up the coffee urn. Tom will buy water and juice, Kerri, Lisa, Jen to provide food.
Thank you to Martha and Nick for all the effort put into running the basketball after school. It got very positive feedback.
Treasurer's Report - Tom Purchase of auditorium risers has gone through. Brown envelope fundraiser exceeded $2000 with 35% of families responding. No one has yet signed up for the phone company fundraiser, but Tom will rethink presenting this. 'Pennies for the Arts' project, currently run in gr. 3 but was also going to run in other classes. Katherine to co-ordinate. Martha will follow up with Mariana re: doing a presentation to the student council, Mary May and Katherine. Box tops at nearly $120. Possible future fundraiser with Target (credit card donates percentage to school). They also give grants.
Used Book Sale - Tricia Good response so far. Also taking videos and board games/puzzles. Date = May 17 Saturday from 9-12. Martha discussed with the student council that they run a bake sale. She will follow up with the council. Sarah and Tricia will arrange advertising for this event. Tom talked to 'Food for Thought' Books about making a selection of their books available at the sale. Tom to follow up.
Martha Talked about the tire swing structure in the playground, which has never been used due to the need for lots of supervision. Wanted to know peoples thoughts on taking this down and possibly replacing it with a volleyball court ($150). Some discussion on this regarding its use, possibilities, whether the frame would break on removal, whether there were any other uses for it. Martha will also check with the company for their ideas on other possible uses.
Student Council - Martha asked on their behalf whether there were to be any more movie nights. Currently no license, but Ian to check with Mariana on getting one with other PTO's.
Jennifer asked Martha to talk with the student council about organizing bus monitors (5th or 6th graders). Their role would include helping children in the junior grades, and reporting problems or worries. Katherine was suggested as the supervisor of this. Other parents also voiced concern over their children's experience on the buses.
Principal's Report After spring break we will have 187 children at MM. Discussion on the impact of budget cuts on MM next year, including: the probable loss of at least two teachers currently at MM. Ms. Terry Johnson will be returning from leave. A teacher from Fort River will be transferring to MM; Fulltime library paraprofessional to be cut 50%; Field trip funds eliminated; reduced supplies budget; all paraprofessional hours to be reduced to 6.5hrs; Michelle Kim to be moved to the ESL program from next year.
School Committee - Alisa The school committee has had a very hard time trying to make the budget cuts forced upon them. It has been hard already but it is likely they will have to make more cuts. They are suggesting PTO's work together to provide equitable support for standard curriculum field trips across the district. MM also needs to consider getting non- profit status. Jennifer brought up lack of equity in the way school district allocates money to the schools without regard to economic profile of families at each school. There was discussion on the need to advocate strongly for our school and what these cuts mean to us. It was stated that it is difficult for staff to stand up against the cuts without a personal negative outcome.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon - Kerri To be held on June 11. Kerri and Helene Cunningham to coordinate and advertise.
Nutrition Council - Kerri The hiring of the new Food Service Director for the district is on the agenda at the next School Committee Meeting. A parent representative will be part of the committee that discusses requirements for this position.
Newsletter - Jenny Fabrizi Jenny and Jane are stepping down. Everyone appreciated the wonderful contribution they have made by doing this and how valued it is. Jenny agreed to help with a welcome back edition in the fall if no one has taken this on before that time.
Faculty - Joan Reported that Nick and Martha sincerely appreciated having door monitors at after-school basketball. Roster worked and made this part of Nick and Martha's job a lot easier.
MCAS is underway. It has gone well, kids have remained calm. They really appreciated having the water and snacks provided by the PGG. John Keins did a great presentation about MCAS that helped prepare them for it. With this special treatment, the kids felt special and responded well.
Submitted by Jennifer Boyd.