Minutes PGG Thursday December 2, 2004
Attendance: Nick Yaffe, Felicia Mednick, Alyssa Melnick, Jennifer Boyd, Dan Kramer
Agenda items:
FUNDING REQUEST: from Joan MacDonald for around $30 for tablecloths for the Robyn Konovitch Memorial Breakfast
YEAR BOOK: Still in planning stage. Bonnie Wolfman and Carol Bailey parent contacts. Need a subcommittee to be formed to help oversee and organize.
- Nick – check with Bonnie or Carol whether OK being contacts.
WILDWOOD WIRE NEWSLETTER: Tom to follow up. Nick invites people to contribute to the Marks Meadow Memo. Next one due out December 17th, deadline Monday 13th. Either email to Nick or give a copy to Anita.
- Sharon Vardatira to put a piece in the Memo encouraging contributions.
ART FUNDRAISER: Alyssa has organized artwork from Grade 1 class’s to be made into greeting/holiday cards (which looks great!).
- Alyssa to write blurb for Memo, and collaborate with Felicia next week to get these together.
BOOK FAIR: Susan McQuaid has looked into alternative local book fair options, but not viable.
- Jennifer to contact Sarah Swartz to follow up with Scholastic, possible time in April.
TEACHER WISH LIST: teachers will be encouraged to write their wish list in the Memo.
- Nick to talk with teachers.
MULTI-CULTURAL FAIR: has three components, classroom exhibits, food and performances. We need to form a subcommittee to help organize this event. Nick and Alyssa shared their ideas.
- Nick will arrange the first meeting to kick start organization
ROOM PARENTS: Some discussion over what is their role, and different roles wanted by different teachers, eg. phone tree only. Nick will talk with teachers over what they would like. The teachers may explain what they would like in their newsletters, or on curriculum night, or approach PGG if they would want help with this.
- Nick to confirm
HA HA SISTERHOOD: Felicia confirmed that Betsy McNamara has arranged for the Ha Ha Sisterhood to perform on January 28th, (snow date Feb 4).
Contract gives them 10% of profit.
Time 6.30pm – 7.30pm, possibly to combine with ice cream social afterwards.
- Felicia will check with Betsy – to put blurb in Memo, and to send home a flyer the week before.
Suggested donation = $4. each, and $12 cap on families. To see if we can get ice cream donated.
- Jennifer to check with Jenny Fabrizi how she arranged previous social.
FUNDRAISING CO-ORDINATOR: A description of this for Tom to write in Memo. Dan Kramer has prepared a flyer explaining the different ways families can support this school. Flyer has been printed , and will be distributed to students to bring home.
- Jennifer to bring to Tom’s attention
KOREAN COMMUNITY EVENT: Alyssa has helped organize a celebration and sharing of Korean culture with our Korean families and Michelle Kim. Yaldira Brown co-ordinator. Requested $100 to cover food expenses, approved.
BIG Y POINT UPDATE: 390,000 points so far. Staff can look over catalogue to spend this.
- Nick to talk with staff.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: The Robin Konovitch Breakfast went very well. Some families have donated money to the Robin Konovitch fund. Fund money went towards leadership and community development for the 6th graders camp to Morse Hill.
- Will review and report on this at the next meeting.
Tomorrow is curriculum day, with the focus on math.
The effective Habits of Minds, eg responsibility, perseverance, imagination, philosophy is being introduced into the school.
Further appeal put out for after school club leaders – Ian Cooper-Pedys will co-ordinate. To start in January.
Currently the budget is being discussed at School Committee.
WEBSITE: Should always find information at www.arps.org
AAEA: Sharon Vardatira has offered to help write up grants for teachers applying for the AAEA grant.3 teachers have applied this year.
January 5th Wednesday
February 7th, Monday
March 1st, Tuesday
April 6th, Wednesday
May 5th, Thursday
June 7, Tuesday
Meeting closed 7.55pm Minutes Jennifer Boyd