PGG Notes from 3/3/05

Present: Sharon Vardetira, Patty O’Brien, Ian Boyd, Felicia Mednick (facilitator), Sarah Swartz, Tricia Everett, Josh Perlstein, Kerri Parker, Alisa Brewer, Andy Churchill, Nick Yaffe, Dan Kramer, Deborah Timberlake (Notes)

5th Grade field trip cost was covered by family contributions. Families will be asked to contribute if possible to the upcoming 6th grade trip to the UN.

Current Income and Expenses were compared with last years. Still have fundraising events (Brown Envelope Fundraiser, Book Sale, Scholastic Book Fair, and Ink Cartridge Recycling) ahead, and other activities and events.

Principle’s Report: School Governance Council: Survey will go out to families, teachers, and children. This feedback will be used in developing the School Improvement Plan. Meeting with UMASS planned for March 10rh was postponed due to snow, and will be rescheduled. Teachers are working together in Inquiry Groups around Math, Reading, and Social-Emotional Curriculum. Multicultural Fair Update: Families are being called about setting up exhibits in classrooms from our different cultures. There will be activities in the Gym, and Art Activity, Food, Performances, and Family Photography. After School clubs will be starting following Vacation, Information will be sent out, Transportation will most likely not be available, but this is being looked into by Nick. Big Y points are adding up, Staff is interested in saving for a projector that will tie into a laptop, this will take more points than are currently accumulated, but is likely to be reached by the end of the year. There is a Diversity Inquiry Group forming. Yoga is going well.

Yearbook: Patty met with Bonnie Wolfman on Yearbook planning. Tasks were divided; Dale Kasal is going to help with the Technical Aspects. They will work with the 6th Grade in Developing the Yearbook in an After School club. They will need photos of School Events.

School Governance Council: School Governance Council elections may move to the end of the School year, possibly during the End of Year Picnic. Will need to elect two people to fill two-year terms. PGG will cover the cost of childcare for SGC Meetings if needed.

Scholastic Book Fair: Will run Tuesday April 5th through Friday. This year’s theme will be Animals. Sarah Swartz is organizing the Fair. She has arranged for face painting, the UMASS canine unit and possibly the Mounted Police visit during the Ice Cream Social, Tuesday April 5th from 4 to 7pm. She is looking into having Local Businesses to “Partnership in Reading” by contributing to a Raffle.

The Brown Envelope Fundraiser is in progress; this is one of our largest sources of PGG funds.

Repair of the auditorium seats is being looked into through the School of Education.

On Thursday March 31st from 7 to 8:30 there will be an organizing meeting for all GLBT (Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender) parents, guardians, and staff in the Amherst Regional School District, to discuss issues relevant to families, at the Amherst Middle School Library.

The next meeting will be facilitated by Felicia Mednick, Tuesday April 12th from 6:30 to 8:00pm
