PGG Notes from 4-12-05
Attending: Ian Boyd, Dan Kramer, Sharon Vardatira, Tricia Everett, Nick Yaffe, Patty O’Brien, Felicia Mednick (facilitator), Kerri Parker, Ken Porter, and Debbie Timberlake (notes)
Principals Report: School Committee Meeting tonight, Mark’s Meadow is on the agenda. Looking ahead to next year, classroom planning, questionnaire on family plans going out soon, kindergarten registration will start soon. Basketball has ended, after-school clubs are full, there are 40 participants. May add a science club after break, to be run by a UMASS student. Staff are involved in three Inquiry groups, looking at the schedule of the day (schedule of art, music, library etc.), the Social-Emotional Curriculum, and Habits of the Mind (responsibility). SGC has started looking at the data collected from the surveys about the school that went out to Teachers (90% response rate), Students (100% response rate), and Families (30% response rate). We need more Surveys from Families. If you have not returned your survey copies are still available. Multicultural Fair has received positive feedback, was a great night. The first Student newspaper is out, students are very excited about it. School budget update: Health Insurance costs are much higher than expected, looking at how to adjust for this.
Graduation and End of Year Picnic: will be on June 17th, with a rain date of June 20th. Planning will need to start soon (stage, Alumni, ? dunking tank).
Student Activity Account: Is at $1900, (started with $1000), looking at using some of this money.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Kerri Parker is organizing this, flyers will go out asking families to contribute dishes, and calls will also go out from a parent in each class to families in that class. Help will be needed to set up, serve food, clean up, and help with childcare.
6th Grade Graduation Brunch: For the past many years this was organized by Sandra G., now will need new people to organize this. The 5th and 6th grade Staff sent out a flyer soliciting help and have received some responses. Ideally the 5th grade families would arrange and run this for the 6th graders each year. PGG will help out as needed in coordinating this event.
Scholastic Book Fair: Many, many THANKS to Sarah Swartz who organized and ran this years Book Fair. It would not have happened without her many hours of work and ongoing efforts to coordinate the event. Face Painting, the Mounted Police, and the Birds of Prey, and the Ice cream Social were enjoyed by many. Thank you to all who made this happen. Sales during the Book Fair generate books and funds for our school, along with giving us all a chance to be together.
Usborne Books: Usborne also runs book fairs, in homes and in schools. PGG is interested in exploring this option. Patty O’Brien has a contact that would be willing to come to a PGG meeting. Patty will set this up.
Art Cards: Are still available, they are for sale in the office.
Used book sale: May 14th or 24th, at Mark’s Meadow. Start collecting books, videos, computer games, tapes, games and puzzles to donate for the sale.
Funding Requests: Yaldira Brown has requested support from PGG for 2 families in need. Helping each other out is part of being a community. We agreed to provide some funds, but will not have additional emergency assistance funding this year. We will look into having a set amount of emergency assistance funding for the next year.
A request for funding was made for tennis balls for use during recess, and to have lines painted for a kick ball field (this would make calling plays clearer), both Wall ball and kick ball have been very popular activities at recess. Funding was approved, how best to make the lines will need to be explored. The possibility of having students from “Into Amherst” help with making the field, and refinishing the picnic tables. If there are not funds available through the school, to refinish the tables PGG could help with this.
Yearbook: Is in progress, work is being done by Patty O’Brien and Bonnie Wolfman. Photos should be in by April 15th in order to be in the book.
Ha Ha Sisterhood: Sharon is coordinating a return performance for the fall, date to be determined.
Campbell’s Soup Labels and Cell phone recycling: Ken Porter is starting up these two new sources of supplies and funding. Each Cell Phone will bring in $3 (with 100 phones collected.), Labels will earn school equipment. Ken has made a flyer listing groceries that will earn points (not just soup), which will go out in the Memo.
School Governance Council Elections: Two 2 year terms will be available as Bonnie/Carl and Thia are completing one year terms. Deborah and Patty will be in the 2nd year of their terms. Child Care will be funded by PGG. SGC will solicit nominations for the SGC, and will write up the Candidate information. PGG will coordinate the Elections, which will happen at the End of the Year Picnic.
Pennies for the Arts: Did not happen this year, possibly next fall.
Future Agenda Items: Running SGC Elections Maple Sugar End of the year Picnic Playground Funding Request Emergency Funds/coordinating this Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Graduation Brunch Atkins’ Shopping Cards