Hello Mark's Meadow families!
It was fun to see so many of us turn up for the end of year picnic (especially with relatively little advertising). Clearly we have established a tradition to relax, have fun, and dunk the 6th graders (and Nick!).
Below are the minutes of the last PGG meeting for 2004-2005 (in .doc attachment and as text within email).
Please be sure to note the following dates in your calendars:
Frst day of school in September for grades 1-6 (Kindergarteners are special:-): Thursday September 1.
No school on Monday September 5 for Labor Day observance.
First 2005-2006 PGG meeting: Tuesday September 13 from 6-8 pm
Annual All-School Welcome Back Potluck Picnic: Friday September 16, probably from 5:30-8:00 pm
Fundraiser that really is FUN: Friday September 23 Ha Ha Sisterhood performance in auditorium, all ages, probably 7-8 pm
Have a wonderful summer!
Take care, Alisa official PGG emailer (who would like to take on this great honor?!?) :-) 
PGG Minutes 6/7/05 Present: Ian Boyd, Sharon Vardatira, Patty O’Brien, Nick Yaffe, Felicia Mednick, Dan Kramer, Deb Timberlake, Tricia Everett. Guests: Janet Parent, Mary Lashway from Usborne Books
Principal Update: first official School Improvement Plan with Nick as principal submitted to School Committee. Building upon four goals: teaching, learning, connecting community, kids feel connection. MM is the only school to survey children.
Survey results and improvement plan will be placed in the office.
Classroom configurations for next year: 1 6th, 1 5th, 1 4th, 2 3rd, 2 2nd . Questions are 1 1st and 2 K
Picnic: have the dunking booth and stage. Nick needs people to assist with setup and cleanup. PGG will provide drinks – Deb Timberlake is coordinating. Dan Kramer will do a flyer.
Usborne Presentation for an alternative to Scholastic Book Fair. Some good areas, some weaker – perhaps partner with Food for Thought. Usborne representative does all the work and willing to work with the school. If we want to do a fall book fair, Mary would need to know soon
Treasurer’s report: doing well. Funds still coming in for 6th grade trip.
Yearbooks: Finishing touches being done – to the printer by Friday. Will have them for the end of year picnic. Sell for $4.00 due to printing costs being lower than last year.
Paint kickball line:. Tracy thought that UMass may be able to paint the lines. Dan and Felicia will follow up.
Beginning of year potluck: Tricia needs to handover the folder with all the details and PGG will need to identify someone to take this over.
• Next PGG meeting: September 13 – try some outreach and each person bring someone else. 6:00-8:00 first half hour will be informal with pizza
• Beginning of year potluck: September 16
• HaHa Sisterhood: September 23rd
• SGC elections: 1 nomination so will solicit more, confirm nominations in fall and hold elections at Sept 16 potluck