PGG Meeting Notes from 9-6-05
Nick Yaffe (Principal), Sharon Vardatira (Facilitator, Treasurer), Alisa Brewer, Patty O’Brien (SGC), Ian Boyd, LaVonette Luciano-Burnett, TracyLee
Boutilier, Alyssa Melnick, Dan Kramer, Jenny Fabrizi, Debbie Timberlake (Notes)
Treasurer’s Report: Looked at comparison of 2003-2004 to 2004-2005. The Wolfman’s (whose youngest child graduated MM in 2005) have started a Library fund in honor of their years at Mark’s Meadow, this fund will be maintained by PGG, and used solely to purchase books for the Library at the direction of the Librarian. Dan Kramer volunteered to learn the Treasurer’s position from Sharon as her child will be graduating in 2006.
Principal’s Report: There are 72 new children this year, out of approximately 198 children. We have two new Kindergarten Teachers as well, Naeela Sattar and Scott McGinley. A leadership-building trip is in the works for the 6th grade class, this will be the 2nd Annual field trip to Morse Hill. A communication folder has been developed to send notes for teachers and information to families. Out of the School Improvement Plan Teachers, Parents, and Children will be setting goals, as a part of the Parent Teacher Conferences.
Have flyers in the office by Thursday to go out in the Communication Folders on Fridays.
Fall Potluck Picnic: Friday September 16th from 5:30 to 7:30, at the Playground. Bring a dish to share, a blanket or chairs. Drinks, plates, plastic ware provided. Help with set up or clean up is appreciated! The RAIN DATE for the picnic is Wednesday September 21st.
School Governance Council Electionwill take place at the Pot Luck Picnic, Deborah Evans and Patty O’Brien are developing a flyer with Information on the Nominee’s, and a ballot. Nominations are still welcome, if you are not able to be at the Picnic Absentee Voting will be arranged, contact Alisa Brewer at . Child Care will be provided for SGC meetings, which are held the last Tuesday of the month from 3:30 to 5 pm, the next meeting will be on September 27th.
Curriculum Night is Wednesday September 28th, from 6:30 to 8:30. Childcare is being provided.
The Ha Ha Sisterhood will be returning to Mark’s Meadow on Friday September 23rd from 7 to 8pm, there will be a bake sale, run by Rachel and Siobhan O’Brien, Izzy Boyd and Emmy Fabrizi, to raise money for Hurricane Katrina Relief.
Jenny Fabrizi is working on arranging a Usborne Book Fair, with Mary Lashway from Usborne, to benefit the school. This will be in place of the Scholastic Book Fair. It will run for 3 to 4 days, starting on October 24th, with kids making wish lists on the first day, to take home to families. There will be an Ice Cream Social on one evening.
Room Parents: Still looking at having a Room Parent role, what it would be, (active involvement in the class? phone calls?), Nick will check in with Teachers to see what their thoughts are.
Future Meetings:
Thursday October 6th, Monday November 7th, and Wednesday December 7th from 6:30 to 8pm. Facilitating the meeting has revolved between a few people over the past year, others are welcome to participate in leading meetings. Help with agendas, etc. will be provided!
There will be a special fund raising meeting on Monday October 17th, 6pm to 8pm, with Pizza Provided.
Future Agenda Items:
Tabled for Future PGG Meeting: PGG Outreach Activities, Room Parents, playground upgrades/line painting for kickball, yearbook planning
To be discussed at the 10/17 Fundraising Planning Meeting:
· Set fundraising goals for 2005-2006
· Determine plan for 2005-2006 fundraising activities
· Review formal process for introducing and deciding funding requests
· Establish funding levels allocated for various activities
· Determining annual PGG family emergency fund allocation
· Art Cards Project (will it be happening?)
· Appoint Coordinator for Atkins 5% Rebate Cards
· Coordinator for Big Y Education Express Points Program
· Status of Cartridge Recycling; Tom Flittie needs to train someone as his child will be graduating in 2006
· Review Ken Porter’s fundraising ideas (presented at end of FY 2005: Campbells soup, cell phones); assign responsibility/timeline; Ken also agreed to take on BoxTops from Jackie Churchill when he gets back in January