Notes from PGG Meeting on December 7th, 2005
Attending: Dan Kramer, Debbie Zeidenberg, Sarah Swartz, Tracylee Boutilier, Ken Porter, Sharon Vardatira (Facilitator), Karen St.Cyr, Lavonette Luciano, Alyssa Melnick, Deborah Timberlake (Notes), Nick Yaffe (Principal)
Treasurer’s Report: Account balance is $7,070.59, and an additional $750 remains in the Library Fund. Recycling income for the year so far is $614.45, and Dan Kramer will be assuming the Treasurer Role.
Usborne Book Fair: Net income was $313 (after cost of $1 free books for each child.)
Book Fair Discussion: Sarah Swartz is willing to run a Scholastic Book Fair next year.
Year Book: Larry Newman, Tracy Lee Boutilier, Heather Lord, and Blanca Walker will be putting together this year’s Yearbook. The Yearbook committee will explore how to involve 6th graders in putting the yearbook together; suggestions for how this might be done include having it happen through Computer Class or through an after school club.
School Governance Council (SGC): A committee is going to be convened – which will include PGG and SGC parents – to create a formal system for involving parents as room parents, teacher-helpers, and other parent volunteers. (PGG parents) Karen St. Cyr, Alyssa Melnick, Tracy Lee Boutilier and Sarah Swartz will meet to look into this, and discuss this with SGC and PGG.
Science Night: Is being planned for the 2nd week in February, and is coordinated by Alyssa Melnick. Science Club is being run by (elementary science resource teacher) Pat Cahill, who will be preparing hands-on experiments for the night; teachers and classrooms will also be involved.
Multicultural Fair: Wednesday March 15th, need parents to volunteer to work on the Fair. Please contact Nick if you are able to help out.
Principal’s Report: Community Breakfast was well attended. He will be meeting with the Superintendent and the Chancellor of UMASS to develop long range plans for the school (space). Student Teachers will be leaving soon.
Fund Raising Activities:
Used Book Sale: Coordinated by Sarah Stookey, if interested in helping out please contact her at or 549-9973.
Tag/ Plant/ Bake Sale: Needs a Coordinator
Recycling: Currently Tom Flittie, will need to have at least 1 or 2 people to take this on. There was agreement that a committee of recycling volunteers would be ideal.
Brown Envelope Fundraiser: Tom Flittie is currently doing this and will need someone to take this over for next year.
Box tops / Campbell Soup Labels / Motorola: Ken Porter is coordinating this.
Atkins Farms: Tom Flittie arranged to have cards distributed to Mark’s Meadow Families, which will allow for 5% of purchases made with the cards to be contributed to PGG, to a max of $500.
Date Night: Debbie will look into the possibility of having child care at School, provided by parent volunteers, with funds going to PGG.
Cookbook: Dan Kramer will look into this as a possible project.
Next Meeting: Thursday January 12, at 6:30, all are welcome!