Notes for PGG Meeting on 1/12/2006

Present: Nick Yaffe (Principal), Dan Kramer, Deborah Timberlake (Notes, Facilitator), Alyssa Melnick, Ian Boyd, Karen St. Cyr, Jackie Churchill, Patty O’Brien

These are some of the Activities and Projects in Process at School. We need more families to be involved in making these things happen. If there is something that you are interested in doing, or you would like to help out, please let us know email Debbie at

Diversity Committee Update: Have had difficulty scheduling meetings, low attendance. Staff are working on some issues.

SGC update: SGC elections will be held at the end of the year picnic; working on the School Improvement plan, and a Charter for the rest of the year.

Volunteer Meeting: Karen and Alyssa spoke on plans to facilitate Parent Involvement, and to have guidelines for them. Looking at where the needs are.

Principal's Update: Need volunteers to work on the Multicultural fair, art teacher Diane Travis is coordinating this. Teacher feedback (concerns parents have) should be given directly to the teachers, or if needed Nick can facilitate this. The school is looking at space and planning for the future. The budget will be tight this year, with heat and health care increases being part of this.

Science Night: February 15th, Alyssa Melnick is coordinating, if interested in helping contact her at Pat Cahill the District Science Coordinator is running an after school science club, 15 students are participating. 3 Teachers are also participating in Science Night.

Treasurer’s Update: Spent 1,800 this month, brought in 1,500. Accounts are being switched over with the change in Treasurers from Sharon Vardatira to Dan Kramer.

Fundraising Status:

Atkins Cards will earn 5% of purchase for Mark’s Meadow. They are in the Family Resource room (on the left side of the main entrance hall.) (We would like to have some one to put together a list of other fundraisers, shrink it to fit on the back of the cards, and laminate and distribute the cards)

Ink Cartridge Recycling / Brown Envelope projects will need to transition this activity to a new person for next year. (If you have questions or are interested send an email!)

Used Book Sale: Sarah Stookey will Coordinate this, if you're able to help out send an email.

Date Night: Looking at this as a possible fundraiser, parents can drop off their children at school and go out.

Tag Sale: Need some one to take this project on. Discussed having a multifamily Tag Sale, where families run their own tables and contribute a percentage of their proceeds to the School. If you have any thoughts about this or any feedback send an email! (Or let Debbie Timberlake or Sharon Vardatira know.)

Yearbook: Larry Newman met with Patty O’Brien to go over the process.

We will also need people to work on organizing the Staff Appreciation Luncheon, End of the Year Picnic and the 6th Grade Brunch.

Upcoming PGG Meetings: February 6th, March 8th, April 6th, May 11th and June 8th.