PGG Notes from 3-8-06
Attending: Patty O’Brien, Tracy Lee Boutilier, La Vonette Luciano-Burnett, Megan Rosa, Nick Yaffe, Layla Taylor, Ian Boyd, Sharon Vardatira (Facilitating), Dan Kramer, Nick Yaffe, Alyssa Melnick, Debbie Timberlake (Notes)
Principal’s Update: the Diversity Committee is not currently active, Multiculturalism and Diversity are valued at Mark’s Meadow, Teacher’s and Staff are looking at ways to meet these values.
SGC Update: Draft Charter is in the works, looking at updating the School Improvement Plan. Have worked on Home School Communication, and bringing in new families. 3 seats will be up for re-election at the End of the Year School Picnic, Planning to have a transitional meeting after. {(2) 2-year terms, (1) 1-year term}
Layla Taylor is helping with the planning for a 501C/ Non Profit Status for PGG, which will help with eligibility for grants and make Donations to PGG tax deductible, among other benefits. Looking at individual vs. umbrella status with other Parent Groups in the System. She will help us look at what are needs are and how to meet them.
Yearbook: Tracy Lee will be in contact with Larry Newman on the progress of the planning.
Date Night: The first Mark’s Meadow Date Night fundraiser for PGG will take place on Friday March 31st from 6 to 9 pm. Call Debbie at 549-4334, or email (Deborah.Timberlake @ to schedule a spot for your children, it will be limited to 30 children.
Treasurer’s Update: Balance is $7,207. (42 in from recycling, 4 from yearbook, 60 spent on childcare)
Bright Notes this month were the number of parents that have responded to the call for help with many of the Events and needs at School, Calls will go out to start the planning process. As well as the upper grades trip to the UMASS Basketball Game, the Kindergarten Sugar Shack Field Trip, and plans for a 5th grade Pizza Party for meeting the Katrina Challenge by reading 100 books, this earned money from Scholastic for Schools affected by the Hurricane.
Not so Bright Notes... The Elementary schools are looking at $900,000 in cuts, with another $350,000 looming. Parents can make a difference by-
Sending an email to our Senators and Representatives asking for adequate support of specific items (see for Details),
Or send the postcards that are available in the school office.
The Parent Coalition is an Amherst based grassroots parent organization that supports public education. By subscribing you become part of a forum discussing and learning about educational issues affecting your children (including the budget). Go to Subscribe to their listserv.
Funding: PGG will fund the supplies for the Multicultural Fair, Will contribute $50 towards the cost of Post Cards to our Senators and Reps., PGG will help with funding the Kindergarten Sugar Shack Field Trip as needed.
Next Meeting: April 6th at 6:30