PGG meeting Minutes of Monday September 25th, 2006
In attendance: Debbie Timberlake (Chair), Ian Boyd, Angelica Castro, Ok Hyun Cho, Kimberley Broderick, Lynne Weintraub, Katherine Song, Meg Rosa, Ju Ok Yoon, Stephanie Burbine, La Vonette Luciano-Burnett, TracyLee Boutilier, Sung-eun Choi, Lisa Lesure, Alyssa Melnick, Tracy Hightower, Dan Kramer, Alisa Brewer,
Nick Yaffe
Treasurer’s Report: Balance is $8,715.61, of which $1,386.75 belongs to the Mark’s Meadow Library Fund. Total Income last year was $7,834.05, and total expenses, $7,198.73.
Printer Cartridge Recycling: Ian has temporarily taken over this job from Tom Flittie, and asked whether anyone would be willing to volunteer to take over this program. Tracy Hightower volunteered to do this with continuing help from Ian.
Fundraisers: There are many fundraisers (Target, A2Z, Food for Thought, Toy Box, Big Y, Atkins Farm, Box Tops etc) – Alyssa suggested that we should have a coordinator who oversees and advertises these programs. TracyLee said she will target additional local retailers for support.
Non-Violent Communication Workshop: Follow-up from last year when Dr Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, from the Institute for Peaceable Communities, spoke at a PGG meeting and offered to give a workshop. Agreed on October 18th as a suitable date, from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Debbie will arrange a venue, and follow up with Jerry.
School Governance Council (SGC): Main purpose of SGC is as an advisory board on policy, consisting of parents, teachers, the principal and a community representative (which MM does not currently have). The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is also renewed every year by the SGC to provide guidance. It can also be an advocacy group. Meetings are open. Question on how it can work in conjunction with other groups.
Principal Report: Nick discussed the Code of Conduct Assembly – talking about the rights and responsibilities of each child, and getting kids acclimated to school. Currently 182 children enrolled at MM. It was mentioned that a parent had raised concerns about getting information on bus schedules and other school related information earlier. Typically this information goes out about mid-August, but some people may have got this later. This parent has offered to help arrange for information to go out earlier if it would help.
Grade 3 Farewell Party: Last year the 3rd Grade put on a showcase event, and farewell to Rob Porter, which came to a cost of $300.00. This came out of Nick’s Gift Account, and Nick asked if the PGG would be willing to Retrospectively contribute to this event. PGG voted to subsidize event by $150.00.
Summer Read-A-Thon: Arranged at the end of last year. Need to acknowledge children who participated, this is being explored with Susan McQuaid. Who should run the library fund was also discussed – to be followed up.
PGG Non-Profit Status: to be followed up at a future meeting.
Volunteer Coordinator: Alyssa obtained a $1200 grant from the Amherst Education Foundation (AEF) to pay for a person to help coordinate activities. There has been a good response from those interested in this position. The Guidance Councilor will conduct interviews. Discussion on how best a volunteer coordinator can support PGG and school infrastructure.
Pizza Night: Intended as a brainstorming/promoting PGG meeting, for all families interested in the PGG. It was suggested that this could be held at the same time as another event (e.g. tile making). Could possibly be set-up by the Volunteer Coordinator – to be followed up.
Future PGG Dates: October 16th, November 13th, December 11th
Minutes submitted by Ian Boyd.