Notes from PGG Meeting on 10-16-2006
Attending: Andrea Watson, TracyLee Boutier, LaVonette
Luciano-Burnett, Felicia Mednick, Ruthie Killough-Hill, Lynne Weintraub, Angelica Castro, Nick Yaffe, Jackie Churchill (Notes), Deborah Timberlake (Co Chair), Dan Kramer (Treasurer)
Library Fund: Will be transferred from PGG to a Gift Account through the school, approved by vote. Last Year PGG agreed to give $1000 a year, and revisit later this year to possibly provide more. The Summer Readathon raised $425 to date. Kalle Young read 50 books, and the Porter family also participated. Any reading lists and contributions can be sent into the office.
Class Lists: Done by Ian Boyd, coming out soon.
Fundraising: Box Tops and Campbell’s labels, coordinated by Ken Porter, who would like to reach $200 this year. Atkins Farms has donated $95 this year from percent of sales by MM families, max of $500/year.
Wood Chips for Playground: Nick will look into getting more.
Dakin is willing to work on a joint fundraiser (one idea was dog paintings).
Ink Cartridge Recycling: Tracy Hightower has taken this over.
Parent Activity Flyer has gone out seeking parent help on various activities.
Family Movie Night: Has been done in past, Andrea Keins is willing to coordinate. Andrea Watson, Felicia Mednick and Lynn Weintraub volunteered to help.
Childcare for PGG Meetings: Nick recommended having 2 people if possible, no After School staff available. Will look into other options.
Principal’s Report: Discussed school safety; a child was approached by an unfamiliar adult expressing concern that the child was cold, and offered a ride to school. The police were contacted, a letter went home to families, discussions were held in classrooms. (Investigation later found person did not mean harm.) Concern about access to school discussed. This is being worked on by Dr. Hochman and others, balancing security needs without creating an atmosphere of fear. Side doors at MM are locked, visitors are to sign in in the office and wear nametags. Staff are asked to approach people not wearing nametags. All parents are asked to sign in each time they come into the school. Other Security/Crisis Preparedness plans have been developed.
Literacy: Reading and Writing teams are working to approaches to writing.
Recess Monitor: With Tracy’s (Faulstick) departure, a new Recess Monitor will be hired to fill the position.
Funding Requests:
November 20th is the Community Breakfast. Nick requested $350 to 400 for food from Chartwells. This was approved. Last year 300 attended.
Bonnie requested $25 for spare underwear. Approved.
Magnets: Listing school phone numbers; approved ($105 for 500).
BB nets: PGG approved purchase of two ($25 to 50), Debbie will get. TracyLee is looking into having pedometers donated.
Study Circles: Conversations about race and class among parents and others in Amherst School Communities. Meet once a week for 6 weeks. Ruthie proposed having a circle at MM, 8-12 people with 2 facilitators, starting Jan/Feb. Interest expressed, group works towards action on an issue. Debbie will help publicize.
Email List: MM email list used primarily for distribution of PGG Notes and Information on school events. Occasionally used to distribute information on items that MM Families are involved in that has an impact on our community (e.g., Study Circles, The North Amherst Farm, Planning Amherst).
Dr. Koch-Gonzalez presented a workshop on Parenting with Compassion. PGG will provide $50 as an honorarium.
Next Meetings: November 13th, December 11th