Minutes from PGG Meeting on December 11th, 2006
Attending: Debbie Timberlake (Chair), Ian Boyd (co-chair, note-taker), Meg Rosa, Tracy Hightower, Lynne Weintraub, Andrea Watson, Dan Kramer, Nick Yaffe, Tracy'Lee Boutilier, Layla Taylor
Volunteer Coordinator: Andrea Watson (MM parent) introduced herself as the new volunteer coordinator (paid for by an AAEA grant – thanks to Alyssa Melnick). New volunteer form has been sent home to families. Also aiming to get families to share cultures in the classroom.
Coordinator for Brown Envelope Fundraiser: We are in need of a person to coordinate the Brown Envelope Fundraiser. If interested please contact Andrea Watson or Debbie Timberlake. (Involves sending out a letter with an envelope asking for Donations to fund activities through the PGG.)
Movie Night: Andrea Keins, Felicia Mednick and Lynne Weintraub coordinating this event – scheduled for Friday, January 19th. Three possible movies to be voted on by the children, which has raised awareness of the event. Possibly another movie in February for grades 3-6, followed by a movie for K-2. Nick asked if the Student Council can use the event to help raise money for the SAA by holding a bake sale. Melissa Barillaro to confirm this ASAP. PGG will sell popcorn and other items. After-school program, and Student Council to be asked to make posters. Notices will state that this is a Family event – not to be used to drop off children. Tracy H. to talk to Taylor Rentals about obtaining a popcorn machine.
Funding Requests (1): To pay for childcare at Diversity Committee meetings – similar arrangement to that for SGC (provided for members only). Approved for $20/meeting to a maximum of $120 for the school year. Also asked to consider paying for childcare for Study Circle Meetings – training sessions over 6 weeks (once/week). Decision to be made at a later date. Funding Requests (2): Alyssa Melnick – $300 for Science Night. $150 for activities, $90 for t-shirts for the volunteers, $60 for Jamie. Nick to arrange to pay Pat Cahill (who is helping coordinate this event). This is one of Mark's Meadow's big community events, and has lost previous financial support from the school district. Request approved though also asking that a donation box be set-up. Melissa Barillaro (Guidance Councilor) - $500 for emergency funding for Mark's Meadow families. This is a yearly grant set up by the PGG, to be administered by the Guidance Councilor, and was approved. (3) Tracy'Lee asked whether PGG might also provide additional financial support for families during the holidays. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that this was outside the definition of what PGG is set up for, and that there are other programs available to help families during this time – for example the Toy Drive being run by the Lutheran Church. (4) Terry Johnston asked for $900 for the 5th grade end of year trip to the Norwich Vt. Science Museum. As is usual policy for funding for field trips, PGG will underwrite this amount, but asks that a letter be sent home to parents/guardians outlining the cost of the trip and requesting people pay what they can toward it. (5) After-school basketball – Requesting up front funding of $240 for t-shirts (@ $8 each for 60 children). Nick is going to request that Parents/Guardians pay $20 for this program – to cover t-shirts and for people to supervise the games. It was noted that this was still a very low cost for a 10-week program. (6) New families Event to be held in January. Andrea W. requested money to pay for 30-40 invitations. Approved to $25.00
Readathon: The Young family will be coordinating the next Library Summer Readathon. Kimberley Broderick has offered to help.
SGC Update: Last meeting focused on developing a plan on space issues – 'ideal' plan prepared to be presented to the superintendent calling for two modular classrooms for additional flexibility. SGC also endorsed having a neighborhood school, giving reasons why the current situation does not work – including uncertainty in the make up of grades from year to year. Nick also spoke on the upcoming budget crunch – Finance Committee currently asking for a 1% increase c/w the previous year, which, if this was adopted, would lead to a huge decrease in staff and resources. School Committee is holding a Budget Forum on December 19th at 6:30pm at the High School Library.
Susan McQuaid – $200 for a new Spinning Book Rack as the old rack is
falling apart. This is a very effective way of displaying books, and it was
noted that book usage at the library had increased significantly since Susan
had became the librarian. Approved.
. School web site – Derek Shea (an MM parent who works at the high-school) web site. Nick also mentioned the possibility of setting up an after-school club.
Listserv – set up by Tracy H. as an effective way of getting information quickly to people. Currently 40 people signed up. The web-site has links set-up to other sites including the Amherst Education Foundation and the AmherstParentCoalition Listserv. Will be used to send information out on school/PGG events and meetings. To subscribe go to:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/marksmeadowpgg/ Dan expressed concern over people receiving messages twice if they are part of existing e-mail distribution lists and also in the listserv. This can be coordinated where possible.
Non Profit Status Application: Looking for Individuals interested in participating in a working group to review and develop PGG’s application, developed by Layla Taylor.
Submitted by Ian Boyd.
** To be involved in advocating for our schools also consider joining the Amherst Parent Coalition Listserv –http://npogroups.org/lists/info/amherstparentcoalition. You can also get news from the school administration by subscribing to the ARPS newsletter
http://www.arps.org/Home/ and subscribe to learning@arps.org.