Dum vojagxo zne majstro instruis studenton pri la gravaj verajxoj de Zneo. Iun tagon ili devis salti el la vojo kiam tre rapide preterpasis cxevalo. La studento kolere diris malbenajn vortojn al la rajdanto de la cxevalo.
La zne majstro diris, "Vi devas praktiki kompaton ne nur al tiuj, kiujn vi sxatas, sed ankaux al tiuj vi malsxatas."
"Kiel mi sentas min kompata al tia fiulo?"
"Cxiu homo suferas," diris la zne majstro. Li cxirkauxrigardas. "Jen laboristoj en la kampo. Dum ili laboras sub la varmega suno, la bienisto sidas sub granda arbo kaj trinketas teon. Sed, cxu vi dubas, ke la bienisto ankaux suferas? Eble lia edzino estas malsana. Eble la monopruntistoj baldaux prenos la bienon. Eble li dormas malbone cxiutage pro timo, ke li perdos tion aux neniam gajnos tion, kion li plej forte deziras. Cxu vi ne povas pensi kompatajn pensojn pri li?"
La studento kapjesis. "Mi ja povas."
"Bone," diris la zne majstro. "Do, diru al mi kompatajn pensojn pri la rajdanto de la cxevalo."
"Nu, eble la malsano de infano distras lin, por ke li ne notis nin. Eble li rapidas al kuracisto."
"Bone," diris la zne majstro.
Vespere ili atingis urbon. Je la pordego gvardiano postulas subacxeton. Cxar ili havas neniom monon, la gvardiano batis ilin sovagxe per granda bastono kaj ne permesis, ke ili eniri la urbon.
Poste, malvarma, malsata, dolora, la studento diras al la zne majstro, "Mi ne povas pensi kompatajn pensojn pri la gvardiano kiu batis nin. Instruu min, mi petas."
"Ho, estas facila," diris la zne majstro. "Sendube la gvardiano bezonas tiom grandan baston pro tio ke li havas tiom malgrandan penison."
During a trip the zne majstro taught a student about the important truths of Zne. One day, they had to jump out of the road when a horse galloped by. The student angrily yelled curses after the rider.
The zne majstro said, "You must practice compassion not only towards those whom you like, but also those you despise."
"How can I feel compassion toward such a jerk?"
"Every person suffers," said the zne majstro. He looked around, "See the workers in the field. While they work in the hot sun, the land-owner sits under a big tree and drinks tea. But do you suppose that the land-owner doesn't also suffer? Perhaps his wife is sick. Perhaps the money-lender are coming to the take his holding. Maybe he sleeps badly every night in fear that he will lose, or never gain, what he most strongly desires. Can you not think any compassionate thoughts about him?"
The student nodded. "Yes, I can."
"Good," said the zne majstro. "So, tell me some compassionate thoughts about the rider."
"Well, maybe he was distracted because his child is sick and didn't notice us. Maybe he was rushing to the doctor."
"Good," said the zne majstro.
That night they arrived at a town. At the city gate a guard required a bribe. Because they had no money, the guard beat them savagely with a big stick and wouldn't let them enter the city.
Afterwards, cold, hungry, in pain, the student said to the zne majstro, "I can think of not compassionate thoughts towards the guard who beat us. Teach me, please."
"Oh, that's easy," said the zne majstro. "Undoubtedly, the guard needs such a big stick because he has such a tiny penis."