This evening, I'm in class with my students. I have them making digital video projects. Last week, I showed them this movie, which students made last year. The goal was to produce a video in the "30 second commercial" genre that communicated some biological concept. I think this year's students have a hard act to follow. They're having fun with it, though, which is the important thing.
I'll post links here, if some are particularly good.
This has been an exhausting week, with Lucy gone. This morning, I almost forgot to get the trash out. I had been thinking about it all week -- I thought about it last night before I went to sleep. I thought about it when I woke up at 2am and couldn't get back to sleep. But when I got up, it went clean out of my head. Luckily I got the stuff out before the trucks came. At least, I think I did.
I have been getting out for walks with Plato every day. Well -- I took him for at least two walks on weekend days and holidays, but on work days, I've only managed a morning walk. In the evening, I'm tired and its been easier to just sit down with the kids and relax after dinner. Lazy of me, I know.