This morning I saw Charles Kupchan speak on CSPAN about his new book "The End of the American Era". I think I need to get the book and read it. His central argument seemed to be that the current administration, which sees the US as omnipotent, is going to have to learn the hard way how little unilateral force actually buys you. After 9/11, the isolationist conservatives have been muzzled, but when the body bags start to come home, he predicts a change in US policy. Basically, he thinks that we're heading more into a pre-WWI than a post WWII climate. I found the most telling point to be when he said that there is a disconnect between Europe and the US, with Europe shaking their heads, incredulous over what the US is doing. I think there are plenty of people in the US who are just as incredulous, actually.

Yesterday was the local democratic party caucus. I was asked if I was willing to stand as an candidate to be a representative for the local party and agreed. I couldn't attend the caucus due to Alisa's school committee obligations, so I learned last night that I've been elected to serve as an alternate. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to educate myself better on how the system works.
