Phil pointed out
this article to me today. Now that's multiculturalism! I think that what passes for multiculturalism in this country is often very thin: people wear some traditional piece of clothing, sing a song, or eat something weird and call it multiculturalism. Real multiculturalism doesn't happen until your core values are really challenged by encountering a culture that does something really different. I have the feeling that most Americans have the sense that most people around the world are pretty much the same as them, even though they speak a different language, perhaps, or wear different clothes. It's just not so.
I found out recently that comcast merged with att broadband (back in November). They are still deciding how long to wait before they start thrashing our network addresses. Sigh... First Mediaone, then attbi, now something else. I'm sick of it. I went out today and bought a hosting service through Hopefully within the next few days, I'll be able to switch over to my own domain for email. I plan to continue to use revo for my journal and other resources, but I should be able to switch them over within a day or so, if there's a problem. And if selectedhosting falls through somehow, I can just point the DNS at something else.
I started logging referers on revo a few days ago. When I first set up the Istvan Bierfaristo site, I signed up with sitemeter, so I could monitor activity. I hadn't logged referers on my own server, but I've enjoying seeing them on sitemeter so much, I decided to turn it on here as well. The most interesting part is seeing the search string someone was using when they found your site. The Bierfaristo site attracts a lot of people who are searching on Movada -- probably because it collides with a brand name. But its interesting to see the other things that bring peeople in. Now I'll get to see what people are searching on that hit my journal.