I realized today that I should announce that, even though I am a haiku poet, I am against the proposed war with Iraq. This is not to suggest that other haiku poets might be for the war. Although poets generally have been strident opponents to the war, I worried that perhaps some people might worry that haiku poets were not.
Today is the day to bottle the beer. Lucy was going to get the kitchen cleaned up and then I'll bring up the bottle rack I borrowed from Buzz and start washing bottles. The boys are excited to help. Daniel wants to help fill bottles and Charlie wants to help cap them. I haven't taken a hygrometer reading, but we'll hope that by waiting 7 days fermentation has run as far as it needs to. It has been pretty cool in the basement. Hopefully the bottles won't start exploding in a week because there's too much sugar left.
The bottling went about as well as can be expected with two boys "helping". They actually do very well, but the bag of caps got knocked over putting a dozen onto the floor by the dog dish, every so often a bottle got overfilled, and there was a constant keening if someone wasn't getting to do the thing they wanted.
When I made the last batch Buzz asked me if I'd tasted it. I didn't realize it would be taste-able, but he assured me you could taste to see if there were anything wrong with the batch. It doesn't really taste good, but it was easy to tell there's nothing wrong with the beer. It wasn't as hoppy as I had thought it was going to be, but that flavor may seem stronger when the yeast flavor is less.
Now its off to skating.