A couple of months ago, I decided to rent a hosting service for the bierfaristo site and to assure that I could control my email address.
As of today, I've begun setting locations on revo.homelinux.org to forward to revo.bierfaristo.com. I've really enjoyed running my own home server, but I don't have time to support it properly. Furthermore, the AUP for my cable modem has been becoming more and more restrictive and I worry they'll simply me off one day for running a server. The Mediaone AUP was quite generous: it explictly allowed running services (saying it was the responsibility of the owner to secure them properly). ATT said users couldn't run servers, but acknowledged that users could run "applications that accepted connections on port 80" etc. The most recent AUP is more explicit about not accepting any connections from outside. They haven't harrassed me, but I'm tired of worrying about it.