Yesterday George asked if I was going to be ready to give a talk on radmind to the netmanagers
today. I had thought I was going
to give that talk next week, but said, "Sure". I had forgotten that the BioTeach discussion group meets Thursday mornings. After
BioTeach, I had about 45 minutes to get a talk ready. I grabbed a presention from
MacOS X labs by the University of Utah and made copies of the radmind tutorial pages from the UMich site. That, coupled with showing them some of our configuration files, made for a good show. I got lots of interest and good questions. It all made for a busy day, but I compensated myself by coming home just after 5pm. I can't remember the last time I did that.
I spent the afternoon doing some fine tuning in the BCRC. Jared pointed out this awesome pdf browser plugin today, so I added it into loadset for the lab. I found that some changes I had made to my logouthook script had gotten lost, so I added those back in. I have one machine that can't update itself because it doesn't know how to connect on a public IP (long story). I'm planning to use that as an excuse to learn how to use certificates, maybe tomorrow.