I'm entering this with my new palm tungsten. It's a lot of work, but is possible.
I've got my Tungsten mostly set up now. As with anything Palm, there were "fine print" issues I didn't notice. The only serious one was not to notice that the "headphone" plugin doesn't accept a standard minijack. Now that's just stupid. It's just like Palm, though. I remember one time (around the time the m-series came out), I asked a Palm sales rep why Palm couldn't manage to use standard technologies: why there was separate stuff for Palm III, and Palm V, and Palm m-series stuff. He was obviously used the question. He said, "Because we're stupid, OK? We're just really stupid." I couldn't agree with him more.
It took me a while to get the wireless connection working at home. It worked great at school. At home, I couldn't get it to accept the network password equivalent. It would seem to connect with the "network password", but then I discovered it would seem to connect no matter what password I specified. I had tried entering the password equivalent twice, but I tried once more and it worked. Typos, I guess. Grafitti 2 is a huge step backward for Palm.