I spent a good bit of the morning working on my Community Wireless draft. It was a revelation to me when I realized that building a single integrated network would probably cost less than what's currently happening, which involves building balkanized individual networks which have to be secured and isolated. There is increased cost both in redundancy, because there are separate back-ends (if not more) and security, because it requires buying more expensive hardware to support the security systems and encrypted protocols. I thought for a while before sending the draft out, debating whether to share it with a small circle of close colleagues or to send it out more widely. I decided to do both: I sent it to the Biology faculty that I know have wireless-enabled laptops (a goodly proportion, already) and to the
WeMaLU mailing list.
Lucy and I had lunch at La Veracruzana. I had made plans to go with Alisa and Daniel, but Alisa "forgot about me". So I went with Lucy instead. Everything was excellent, as usual, but I do still miss when they had the pico de gallo in the salsa bar. Now you have to order it separately.
I read that Invisible Adjunct lost a few days of postings that weren't backed up, so I decided to go and quick backup revowiki. There. I feel better now.
I've added Tom and Kirsten's Roadtrip to StuffSteveReads. They seem to be having a grand adventure and have even found a place to live starting in the Fall. I'm sure they're travelling a lot easier without that hanging over their heads.