Today at noon, MoveOn will announce the the result of their "primary". I saw lively discussion about the so-called primary on Salon and NECN yesterday. Some questioned whether the results meant very much because only three candidates were given the opportunity to mail potential "voters". I don't. The net is clearly becoming an increasingly important medium for polical messages and I think it's entirely reasonable for moveon to give a boost to the candidates who are embracing it fully.
When I checked for the results this morning, I saw that MoveOn is running an ad labeling Bush as the MisLeader of the Free World. They are also running a campaign to
initiate an investigation into whether or not the administration manipulated the evidence used to justify the war in Iraq. Here's what I said
The United States, rejecting the vast majority of world opinion and more than 50 years of historical precedent, began a war of aggression based on the statements of this administration that Iraq posed an immediate and serious danger to the United States. If these statements were made in the full knowledge that they were false, the President and his officials should be held accountable for the loss of life and the damage to the reputation of the United States.
I've gotten tiki set up on snapper. I tried once before, but ran into problems getting the database set up. Yesterday, I finally tracked down the problem. It turns out that the last two or three times I thought I was updating mysql, I actually wasn't. I had done "make install" over the existing installs and it looked like I had the new binaries. I ran mysql -V and got a version message which confirmed that the new binaries were there. It turns out, however, that the mysqld binary wasn't getting updated -- evidently mysqld now gets installed into the libexec directory, rather than bin. This was compounded by the fact that the startup scripts evidently checked to see if mysqld was in bin first and , if it was, it started it up, rather than the new binary in libexec. I renamed the old binary and, magically, I now have a modern mysql.
Tiki looks really interesting. I see that it can import phpwiki dumps, so I may consider migrating my current journal into a tiki blog sometime over the next few months. I'll have to play with it for a while and see if it can do what I want.
The opressive heat of the past few days has been finally broken. This evening, a cool front pushed through -- it woul dbe an exaggeration to call it a cold front. In the space of an hour it went from the high 80s down to the low 70s. For the first time in days, we've opened the house up and tried to get some fresh air in. Plato and I took advantage by taking a nice walk through the neighborhood. The mountain laurel is just passing the peak of its flowering and the catalpas are just reaching their peak. I found a patch of Commelina I remember from past years, not yet in flower, but getting close. Even as we turned the corner onto Rocky's street, Plato's fur began to bristle (even though Rocky's house is at the other, end four houses down). When we reached the house, Plato was in his best form, stiff-legged and alert -- ready for anything. At first, all was quiet and then Rocky sensed us. Barking issued from a first floor window and Plato sprang into action, barking and straining at the leash. Hee couldn't tell where Rocky was and thought he must be around in the back yard. Once the exchange of barking had taken place, Plato was eager to push on, his fur flattening almost immediately. What a funny thing dogs are. And people too.