This article deserves translation
The Brussels Communication Center provides information that the current expansion of Volapuk in the world, principally in France and several countries in South America, will soon threaten Esperanto, as the most widely known artificial international language.
On the Internet today, one can easily note the drastic increase in information sources about Volapuk and in Volapuk. For example, the group "Vodasbruk" at "Yahoo Groups", completely in Volapuk, has almost 100 members and is not the only Volapuk email list group on the net. It's no longer possible to say that no-one uses Volapuk -- for example, immediately after the Wikipedia in Esperanto a Wikipedia in Volapuk was set up at . The encyclopedia already has sections about astronomy, biology, philosophy, and other scientific branches.
In certain circles there are already rumors that Volapuk might be appraised by UNESCO as a cultural resource of mankind (as it doubtless is) and on that basis a "Kadem" (Academy) of Volapuk plans to organize a large recruitment campaign in universities, the media, and social organization under the already appalling slogan "Menade bal -- puki bal" (One world -- one language). (From David Fergus of the Brussels Communication Center).
Oh, no! The Volapukists are coming! The Volapukists are coming!
There was no date on the article, but the first comment was dated 4-2-03 -- A pretty good clue. I knew it was a joke even before that because, unlike most people in the world, I actually have a Volapuk text book and know how hard Volapuk is to learn. Trust me. You have to have more than a few screws loose to learn Volapuk.
MoveOn is continuing their push for an investigation of White House distortion of the evidence supporting the decision to go to war. I wrote a bit to send to my congressman.
President Bush was disingenuous when he claimed that there was evidence Iraq was trying to restart their nuclear weapons program. It is clear that at the highest levels the administration was aware that the aluminum tubes were not suitable for reprocessing nuclear materials and that the documents regarding uranium purchases in Niger were forged. Yet the President presented these as evidence to support his decision to go to war. If he knew and lied to support his case, the administration must be held accountable.
Bill Clinton distorted the facts regarding an extra-marital relationship and had to go through impeachment proceedings. Let's see if the Republicans are as interested in honesty as they said they were.