This morning we had pancakes, walked the dog, went to the farmer's market, stopped by the library, and went to Watrobas.
I had an idea this morning and ran with it. I've been planning to organize a local Esperanto group and spent some time thinking about names. I've been trying to think of a name that works well in both English and Esperanto. Initially, I thought of VESPA (Valley Esperanto SPeakers Association or Vala ESperanto Parolanta Asocio). But then I decided that "waspy" wasn't the right name for something that aimed for diversity in Amherst. So I decided on Amherst Esperanto and to use as the logo a fancy "ae" character in a green star. I've registered and the site should start resolving in a few days. I've got the skeleton of the site about half designed and should be able to get it in place before we leave on vacation.
I don't know how much of a network feed I'll be able to find while I'm on the road. I'm taking my laptop and will look for an internet cafe where I can stop in once or twice, check email, and post blog entries. The town we're going to, however, is not on the cutting edge.
We're going to Little Washington, in North Carolina. I picked up
a Howard Dean bumper sticker for the trip. Alisa isn't sure she
wants to put it on the car. Little Washington was named about the same
time as Washington DC and with the same goal: to try to compete to
become the nation's capitol. Phil always
had the idea of setting up a company with offices in Washington (NC) and Paris (PA). A funny, funny man.