The Dragon Crown series will ultimately comprise four books: a
prequel and trilogy, of which three have been published. The last
is to come out in December 2003. The prequel is a bit too much
of a paean to the main character, who comes off just a little too
perfect. The trilogy itself (so far) is better. The premise
is that an evil sorceress is trying to recover the pieces of
a crown that, when assembled, will allow her to control dragons.
She doesn't come into the stories much, but instead captures
the heroes of the other side and transforms them into "sullanciri",
which correspond pretty closely with the "taken" of the dark
company books. Today I read the first book of the trilogy. I
got the others out of the library, but this one has gone missing
from the library, so I went to Narnia and Bobolink and bought it
myself. Hopefully that will make Michael Stackpole happy and
get him to write more books.