There is a Salon article today describing the resistance of farmers to having genetically-modified plants that produce pharmeceuticals grown in their area that might exchange undesirable genes with their crops.
"It's become very, very clear that the industry can't keep its genes under control -- it can't keep its proverbial pants zipped," says Marion Nestle, the chair of Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University and the author of the recent book "Safe Food." "Biology doesn't work like that."
It sounds to me like they can't keep their plants zipped.
Today, as I was looking at the CNN website, I had an Emily Litella moment
What's all this talk I keep hearing about librarians wanting US peacekeeping troops. I know librarians want people to be quiet, but it seems excessive to have Nigerian troops backed up by US Marines just to enforce their rules.
When I sent this to Phil and Pop, both quickly replied saying, "Never mind!"
Today a new variant of a Windows virus was released, W32.Sobig.F. The first arrived at 11:50. Four more arrived within a couple of minutes. By 12:30, I had gotten 22 copies. They kept coming all afternoon. My mailbox at work is full of them now -- more than 50 since I left work. But that's nothing -- some guy on Slashdot had gotten more than 5000 copies before he got into work and taught Spamassassin how to recognize it.
It's interesting to me that there haven't been any computer viruses with serious payloads in a long time. I remember the Chernobyl virus which not only erased the user's hard-drive, but also tried to destroy the BIOS. Nasty. It's interesting to me that so many people just seem accept these virus problems as an inevitable factor of technology. It's just one more benefit of using a Mac. Or linux. Or Solaris. Or anything else that isn't made by Microsoft.
After writing that, I did a bit more reading and found this and
this which describe the role sobig plays in maintaining a network of infected proxies for spammers and other criminals to use. Interesting.