There a good article at Salon that puts forward some thoughts on why Franken and Dean are so popular right now.
For years, we have suffered while right-wing bullies hijacked American politics and media -- persecuting a president for a consensual sex act; stealing the 2000 election; trashing the country's economy, environment and constitutional safeguards; handing the government over to the highest corporate bidders; deceiving the public into a bloody quagmire; and then brazenly smearing anyone who dared to criticize this orgy of dreadful leadership as un-American.
It's great to feel some hope again. I just hope the "democratic wing of the democratic party" can throw out the people, like Lieberman, who've hijacked the party. It's encouraging to see people lining up behind Dean.
Tonight I'll be attending the local Meetup for Dean which is at the Bangs Center. I've been tasked with bringing a video clip to show folks about Dean. Another volunteer has the box with the buttons and flyers. I wonder if I can put my hands on my Dean button -- I haven't been as good about wearing it as I probably should be. It should be a good meeting -- I'm feeling like the local organization is really starting to solidify. We should be able to accomplish good stuff over the next year.
I was horrified to learn that the Bush administration derisively referred to Belgium, France, Germany, and Luxembourg as "the chocolate makers". Boucher claims to be repeating statements he's seen in the press when making this statement, but I doubt not that this kind of disrespectful attitude pervades the highest levels of our government. The Bush administration has no respect for other countries. This kind of behavior, especially in the run-up to the war with Iraq, makes me ashamed to be an American. It degrades me and everything I believe in to see other countries and peoples treated so shabbily by my government. Howard Dean has
crafted a response.