Tonight was the local Democratic party picnic at Groff Park. The faithful turned out for a potluck dinner, conversation, and some brief presentations by our elected representatives. We had to arrive late, so we missed most of the festivities, but I did get to chat with John Olver,
Ellen Story, and several others. I was particularly pleased to meet Anne Awad.
Support for Dean was visible -- several of the Dean contingent wore Dean t-shirts. I didn't wear my button partly because I didn't know what the expectations would be. Partly, though, I have a sense that, among the party faithful, we're all watching all the indicators pretty carefully. It seems more useful to discuss the issues and ups and downs of the race rather than to have a narrow focus on a single player. It's not like any of us are swing voters -- we'll vote for the Democrat every time. It didn't make any difference anyway -- it was dark enough by the time I got there that I don't think anyone would have been able to read a button anyway.