The "Introduction to Online Teaching Strategies using Prometheus" course started today. We got a note on Friday that explained how to get started. I logged in on Friday and again on Saturday, but found that I hadn't been added into the course -- at least nothing about the course shows up in the "My Courses" section. I sent an email to the instructor, but got no reply -- no surprise on a weekend. Then, today, the instructor sent a note regarding the first assignment. But I still don't seem to be added to the course. I sent another note and, this time, copied the PI on the grant that is providing the instruction. Still no word 8 hours after I sent the email. Every semester, I get panicked email from students who added late (or can't find their course accounts or forgot their passwords). It's interesting to be on the other side for a change. I'm looking forward to being a student again for a while; to take my own medicine for a while; to deal with the structure of a course that's trying to "teach" me things I probably won't agree with.