Lucy and I are in Java Baba's using the wireless network. What a great place! Great coffee. The food is good too, but we ended going to The Hatchery for breakfast, which is more of a sit-down place in town. The morning is foggy and cool, but the sun is just starting to poke through. It looks like it will be another great day on the mountain.
My presentation is at 11 -- I'm planning to have people write renga. It's a bit ambitious. Renga is Japanese linked verse, which begins with a 5-7-5 triplet followed by a 7-7 couplet and then repeats. Each piece is supposed to build on some image or feeling from the previous one and use it to introduce the next idea. The result, when it works, is a stream-of-consciousness leaping from idea to idea at a bewildering, break-neck pace. I'm not sure they'll be able to write fast enough to write a renga we'll be satisfied with in the time available. We'll see what they think. It'll be something new.