For the past several weeks, Lucy and I have been planning to make a wreath (or wreaths). This morning, we finally got around to collecting the necessary materials. We got some grape vine and oriental bittersweet, plus a bunch of small clippings to liven it up, including yew, holly, prickly cucumber, rose hips, and some vine with blue berries. By the time we got the materials, it was time for skating lessons and then lunch. Now it's midafternoon and we've run out of steam. We ought to do it while the light lasts, but I get the feeling we won't get going until tonight.

It has been a very low stress holiday. There was originally talk about going to visit relatives over the holidays, but we ended up not going -- mainly because I couldn't see driving so far for such a short time. The result has been a peaceful and quiet holiday at home. Lots of quiet, informal time with the family: reading, watching TV or videos, playing with the computer. It's been wonderful.

I've gotten my new powerbook set up. I've moved over all my files and moved Alisa's onto my old powerbook. She's skeptical that she needs a powerbook, but I don't think it will take her long to get addicted. Being able to take notes in a form that can be readily shared is really empowering. Once she starts taking her powerbook to meetings, I don't think she'll be able to stop. Then she'll start pushing for wireless networking everywhere.

I had been looking for a single, sure-fire method for connecting people to the MOO. I haven't found one. There are a couple of java applets: an old one called "cup-o-mud" and a newer one called "mootcan", but neither of them work properly in Mozilla (although they do work in Safari and Internet Exploder). But then I found Moozilla. It works great! Much better than the java applets anyway. But it's still frustrating not to have a single, sure-fire method for everyone.
