The first big snowstorm of the year hit today and up-ended all of our Saturday plans. It actually made for a nice day around the house. Lucy and I just walked Plato in the neighborhood then we watched Pirates of the Carribean. I enjoyed it a lot, although I thought the ending was somewhat muddled. The dialog was great -- there were numerous extremely clever exchanges. I think my favorite was
"Just how far are you willing to go to rescue her?"
"I'm would die for her!"
"Well! There's no problem, then."
We watched it without the children. I think they would like most of the movie, but there were a few ultra-violent scenes, where people are shot at point-blank range and where an infant is screaming for it's mother that would probably be too scary. I thought it was unfortunate they didn't soften the violence just a little, because otherwise it would be fine for kids.
After the movie, Charlie joined Lucy and I in shoveling the driveway. There was only 3 or 4 inches of light powdery snow, so it was easy. We pulled the cars out before brushing them off and then parked them in single file, which will make shovelling a lot easier. It looks like there will be a lot more shovelling tomorrow morning.
This afternoon, I created the new December wares for the
Zneajxoj Collection. This evening, I used it as the basis of this year's solstice cards. Lucy has been nudging me to get them ready, so we should be all set. Now we just need to print them (and/or get them duplicated), sign the cards, address the envelopes, get them stamped, and delivered to the post office. I feel tired already.
Actually, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm past the caffeine withdrawl and I feel quite a bit better than I did before I started the diet. I have lots of energy and feel less sluggish. I feel more clear-headed -- less prone to feel groggy. I do get tired, though, and took a long nap this afternoon (and will be ready to go to bed tonight).