I've spent the day in the BCRC finishing my own projects while helping students finish theirs. Our department is conducting a search for multiple tenure track faculty positions in biology and I was asked to build a website to advertise the search. When they crafted the ad, they created the URL and submitted it to
Science without checking with me first to see if it would work. Luckily, it wasn't a problem. I sent
Tom a nice email because it has been such a pleasure building new pages in the Department site. The templates that we've created make it so simple -- it works like a dream. We did a good job when we set the site up. It would be better now to build pages that didn't use a fixed width, but when we built the site almost everyone here was still using Netscape 4. The ad appears tomorrow and I think the site is done.
I've seen most my students' projects and the ones I've seen are in the home stretch. Really exciting stuff! I've had a great time giving a nudge here and adding a tweak there. I worry about a couple of groups that I haven't seen much of. I hope they don't flame out before the finish line. I'll keep my fingers crossed for them.
We are "go" for the launch of Muppyville next week at school. I was a little worried when I first hatched the idea that some parents would express reservations about their children doing electronic chat, but so far everyone's response has been extremely positive. I've realized recently that I've gotten used to people (ignorantly) shooting down my suggestions for using technology and am actually surprised now when people don't. One parent today, who's not in the class, heard the description and wanted a login for her son too. I'll need to think about how we could provide support for everyone in the school who wants to participate.