Chris Aylott, at Space Crime,
mentioned a game that sounded like fun. I was particularly taken with the idea that it would be something we could all play. We stopped by this evening to pick up a copy for playing on Christmas Eve. It's always fun to stop by and chat. I could see that Chris has moved way beyond
turquoise though.
Alisa was looking for some googly-eye glasses so we stopped by a couple of other places, but couldn't find any. She did find some chocolate for the kids to give to some favorite staff at the school.
Afterwards, we drove to Look Park to see the seasonal light display. It seemed a bit less this year than previous years. By giving huge tax breaks to rich people, there is a noticeable lack of public investment everywhere. The boys noticed that the sea monster display they had always liked was missing. Alisa's favorite (the woodpecker) was there as was mine (the poinsettia).
So that was our exciting afternoon out. Now for a quiet evening at home.