I've finished my first Muppyville Adventure! To complete the adventure, a player needs to get the Magic Leash from the Pet Store, catch a DoggyMup, get the Magic Hotdog, transform the DoggyMup
into a HotDoggyMup
, go to the Power Plant, trip the switch to turn off the Electric Fence, climb into the Dog Pound, go into the Control Center, and figure out which levers need to be pulled to release the trapped DoggyMups before the NinjaDogCatcher
comes and throws you out. The biggest challenge was figuring out how to make sure no-one could just take one of the elements and not give it back. To solve the problem, I created agents that manage the scarce elements. If the element isn't there when you check, it comes back in a few minutes. If you know what you're doing, you don't need any of the elements for more than a few minutes anyway. Now I'm beginning to think about a second adventure with LitterMateDoggyMups at the Dump.