This morning, I put Xgrid into the new BCRC radmind image. So far I just have a controller and a single client, but I was able to submit a job and get a response, so it appears to be working OK. I suspect I'll need to manually update machines to 10.3, so it probably will take a few days to update all of the clients, but then we should have a useful cluster up and running. I think I'll try just updating one client to see what happens, but I suspect it will crash and burn. (It did.)
There is an interesting pair of articles at Salon about working in a dead-end job: The Phones Don't Stop part one and
part two. In the past, I worked at a couple of companies like this -- one of my first jobs was in a similarly oppressive environment. People often encourage young people to take jobs, but when they end up in a place with a culture like this, they develop a lot of bad attitudes about work. It took me years to realize that I was twisting myself around by dwelling on supposed injustices, lack of recognition or respect, and inhuman workplace practices. When I realized that I could satisfy my own sense of value by doing work well (rather than responding with passive-aggressive sabotage), I became much happier. Still, I'm awfully glad that I don't work at a place like that now.
Ishitori pointed out the page for the Bush in 30 seconds
Funniest Ad, Best Youth Ad, and Best Animation. I liked If the Bush Administration was your Roommate
I just want you guys to know that we're paintin' the apartment ... green.
All of them are good. I hope these all get lots of airtime.