I didn't do much to celebrate the MLK holiday. In fact, I didn't do much at all. Randy and I met briefly this morning to discuss the talk we're giving at Quinnipiac tomorrow. We've, each of us, given this talk (or a variant) several times, but we've never tried to do a "tag team" version, so we mainly tried to divide up the tasks not only into meaningful units, but between presenters. It should be fun! Afterwards, I just hung out with the boys: mostly we played some gamecube and starcraft games.

I was supposed to attend a course design critique session tomorrow, but somehow lost the appointment (probably when I switched from syncing my palm pilot with my desktop to my powerbook). I need to look over the syllabus this evening and draw up some comments. The course I chose to critique is the one based on a philosophy most in line with my own, which makes it easier. It's hard to critique something when you can't say anything nice about it and a lot of "content courses" are pretty close to that.

Joseph Duemer has decided to support Clark. So far, the only arguments I've seen in support of Clark are that he's Republican enough to lure Republicans away from GWB. Call me sentimental, but I think it's better to pick a Democrat as the Democratic candidate. I've seen arguments that Bush has polarized the country to the extent that swing voters won't really matter much anyway: it's the base that needs to be mobilized. Our local caucus is this weekend -- I'm planning to attend.
