I wonder what happened to yesterday...
I met with the person from the MTA who's been helping the MSP do web stuff and we discussed the proposed new MSP site. It looks like we'll be registering a domain name and purchasing space on a hosting service. I tested the MSP site on the hosting service I use for bierfaristo.com and it looks like it works fine. Once I get it set up, I may switch myself over to blogging using tikiwiki. I like phpwiki, but it's limiting sometimes.
Last night, I attended a meeting to discuss characteristics parents would like to see in a new principal. I made a few points, but I think the most important was the first: We need someone who likes children. About 20 people came to the forum and a lot of good ideas were put forward. It has been wonderful to see the school now that the previous principal has left -- the environment had become extremely oppressive. Now, it's like the clear, fresh air after a front moves through, that makes everything look and feel wonderful.
I also attended a local meet of the Democratic Party. Saturday is the local caucus for the state convention. This year the delegates don't engage in decisionmaking -- the convention is evidently going to offer several tracks of political training, in grassroots organizing, campaigning, etc. I'm thinking seriously about attending.
I see others have
also noticed the spin in the traditional media with respect to the
newer web-oriented campaigns.