Alisa tells me that someone has mysteriously repainted the lines of the crosswalk by our house. People have been complaining for several weeks that the crosswalk has become invisible over the winter. Although the crosswalks downtown and on campus are well respected, drivers have always been reluctant to stop for people at our crosswalk -- it doesn't seem like a crosswalk they need to stop for. With the lines faded to obscurity, the problem is particularly acute. And for those of us with little kids, it's a matter of real concern. Alisa called and left a message thanking the public works director. The director called back to say they don't paint in the winter. So, evidently some vandal has come and defaced the street with crosswalk markings! Shocking! Hooray for vandals!

It's quiet today -- probably a lot of people have gone home in anticipation of the President's Day weekend. It's given me the chance to get caught up with the Netatalk mailing lists and support forums. I also downloaded and compiled the newest release. A major upgrade is in alpha and, although I'm not going to install it, I did read the changelog and looked through the manual. It's great that people are maintaining netatalk.
