Ishitori writes
- Is it normal to feel a little disappointed after graduation when you become a full-time working person? Is it normal to wonder if you did as much as you could in college?
I used get the same feeling of disappointment every semester after I finished my classes. No matter how hard I had worked, I always felt somewhat depressed once I was finished and couldn't work on things anymore. But the depression usually didn't last very long.
I think it's human nature to look back at decisions one made in the past and regret them. I've come to approach these feelings by trying to give myself permission for having been foolish in the past (because I know I still tend to "live for moment" and sometimes do foolish things in the present.) I think you have to give yourself credit for having made what seemed like a good decision at the time, even if when you look back, you recognize it could have been better. (Like writing a blog entry when I should be grading papers for writing.)