Last night, Tom Hoogendyk stopped by to join me for a beer after class. Of course, I was still frenziedly trying to fix various problems and couldn't get away until after 5:30. Tom took the opportunity to chat with various folks. Eventually, we made our way to the
Amherst Brewing Company. Tom got the ESB, but I was tempted into getting the cask conditioned pale ale. It was yummy. It was great to have a chance to catch up with Tom.
I wrote a bit about class in my
class blog. I'm really excited to see the ideas that develop in the research proposals.
I applied to go to BioQUEST again this year. I received an invitation this year, which I don't recall having received in the past. That was nice. I tried to get Randy to go too, but he said it wasn't practicable for him to be away from his family for 9 days. I'm lucky we have an Ayah which makes things like that easier for me.