I'm taking a break from getting ready for class. I spent all day yesterday working on a proposal to introduce community service learning into the writing course in biology. Phil suggested encouraging students to volunteer for the Ayn Rynd Institute Anti-Volunteerism program. I'm pleased with the initial proposal, but today I have to get ready to teach.
Today, I'm planning to have students look at graphs from some scientific papers and try to make sense of them without the caption or the rest of the paper and then with it. It's an exercise that has worked OK in the past -- not one of my best ones, but I don't know of anything better to get students to think about interpreting graphs critically.
Both Phil and
Ishitori have answered the question "What has it got in its pocketses?" Tom is evidently being a slacker. We all have Apple stuff! Cool!
The meeting of the Pioneer Valley Massbike chapter last night was interesting -- it's an active group. The most important upcoming event is Bike Week, when the chapter offers breakfast to people who bike to work that day. I learned who is probably coordinating the Amherst breakfast, so I'll have to get in touch with him and see if I can help out.