Tom and I presented at NERCOMP today. (Here are our slides. Warning -- large PDF file!) Randy was sick, so I got to do double duty. Tom was the one who was putting together the slides and, although he'd been updating me with what he was doing, I hadn't gone to look at any of the updates. (Hey! I was on vacation!). I arrived in plenty of time and we were able to get into our room with an hour of time to prepare, so we could set up the projector and run through the slides. I cut a few and changed the order around a bit. Tom gave a brief intro with a short overview, then I spoke, doing what I and Randy were going to do. Tom's part came last and then we both did the wrap-up and responded to questions.

The talk was well-attended. We probably had 80 attendees. People were interested and asked good questions. After the talk, we got many positive comments from people while walking around and a couple of folks who came up to ask detailed questions or discuss specific interesting proposals.


The comporate types were in full display in the expo hall. It always makes my skin crawl to go in there. There was this great sign, though, which I had to get a picture of for Randy. Randy loves chalk.

I'm glad the talk is over -- since I hadn't really prepared, I was more stressed than usual. I shouldn't have worried with Tom doing the slides -- his slides are always great. Now, however, I'm sad that my vacation is over. I had a great time visiting Phil last week, but tomorrow its back to work and grading papers. Sigh...
