For a couple of years, we've been using Apple's iCal, a
webdav server, and
phpicalendar to manage the calendar information in my family. It works pretty well. I've been suggesting to our technical staff that it might be a useful system for some of the departments and offices in the college -- especially since Mozilla's calendar project uses the same system. I got an email while I was in Beloit that they're ready to give it a try, so today George and I began putting the system in place. It's not working yet, but we're halfway there. We still have to solve a few problems and then document everything so that other offices will be able to take advantage of the system.
I released my ESNE Strategy document a few days ago to a thundering silence. I've been hoping to attract a few newcomers who might be encouraged to take on small projects related to getting ESNE moving. I've tried to make each of the projects small and self-contained -- I can understand someone not wanting to be secretary (or even undersecretary), but if I could get someone willing to work on designing a logo or creating a banner. Anything. As I told Philip yesterday it's probably just that there's a lot of intertia to overcome. Either that or ESNE is completely dead. Or maybe a little of both.
One of my projects is to organize a reception at NASK. I had hoped someone might be willing to take on the organizing of the reception, but no-one stepped forward, so I made the contacts myself. It looks like it will actually happen! The date is still tentative, but the will is there to make it a regular part of the course. Little by little, things are actually getting done.
The cards I designed came in. They're beautiful! The only flaw was that the back of the cards is glossy -- I had left a little space to write in, but you'll need to write with a sharpie or something, because a ball-point sure doesn't work. I guess I am glad I only ordered 1000. I offered to make changes so that the cards would be relevant for other regions (for Phil and Gxan particularly). Gxan took me up on the offer, so I need to get those changes done.
I have a theory about Esperanto organizations. Some organizations are very successful -- at least for a while -- while others seem moribund most of the time. I think the organizations that are successful have two or three people that are excited and motivated at the same time while others demonstrate serial excitatory tendencies. We have people who get excited -- their phases just don't sync up well. That might make a nice column in VL.