Yesterday I took a draft of my project description down to Randy.

"Does it have to be double-spaced?" he asked.

"I thought it said that," I said.

"Check again -- usually project descriptions are single-spaced."

He was right. I have a third again more space than I thought I had. I spent the rest of yesterday drafting a bunch of additional text and, after getting detailed comments from Randy, most of today trying to wrestle it back into some kind of sensible form. It's going to be a lot better, but it had felt so good to feel like I had it all wrapped up.

Lucy got home today from her travels. It's good to have Lucy home again.

I added Ariana Huffington's Blog to StuffSteveReads. She's writing a lot of really interesting stuff about the Democractic Convention -- well worth reading.

I watched some of the convention coverage last night on C-SPAN, including Howard Dean's speech. He said all the right things and everything he needed to say, but I'm sure I wasn't the only one who was wishing he was the one receiving the nomination. What a difference Howard has made and is making to the party. Although I missed Obama's speech live, I caught a replay of it an hour or so later. It really was an impressive speech and it's impossible not to think this is a young man who's going places.
