Well, it's done. I've submitted my Fulbright application and it has been accepted for peer review. Now I get to wait until October to January to hear from the committee and, if the recommendation is positive, January to June to hear about whether I receive the award. I'm just relieved to have it submitted. It was a great experience to organize all of the contacts and get all the material together. Whether or not it's funded this time around, I'm in a much better position to move forward with the project directly and/or to try again, whether through Fulbright or some other program.
David contacted me about trying to set up a one-week Esperanto through ESNE, suggesting that uxi should do it. It fits nicely with an idea that I've had for a while of trying to contact the
International Language Institution in Northampton to ask whether they might be interested in participating in offering a course. I've heard people contact me in the past about them having had Esperanto information at one time. The idea would be to offer a one-week course that could be an introduction or alternative to the
three week NASK courses.
I got an email from the last Fulbright reference which made it clear he'd received my letters, but not the letter from Fulbright with the information on how to send in his reference. I didn't panic, but just suggested that, if he was using a SPAM filter, he should check his Junk folder, because the note from Fulbright would look like SPAM to a computer. Sure enough, it was there. Whew! Hopefully that is really the last thing and now I can go to sleep with a clear conscience.