Randy and I spent some time talking about the gene expression model today. Randy had a couple of good ideas. Currently the model shows expression levels of several genes, but it might be interesting to build a model that indicates "phenotype" based on which certain genes are expressing at some reasonable, constant level. Another fun project would be to give students a model with 2 or 3 genes and ask them to create a system that has certain characteristics by varying paramters (e.g. binding coefficient, dissociation coefficient, period that RNAs and proteins persist, rates of expression etc.) I think we've tapped into a really rich domain.
I started playing around with Flikr uploading and organizing pictures. I've created a group for
pictures from Esperantujo. Just my pictures, so far. Among others, I've added some pictures from SUS-27, including this picture of me standing with some of the Polish students who defended their bachelor's and master's theses in the committees I served on.
I'm intrigued by Flikr, but I'm having a little trouble getting it's flash garbage to work smoothly with Mozilla with flashblock installed.